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                客 户 金地大百汇
                服 务 标识系统规划设计
                日 期 2014-11-01
                Guest: gold land big 100 hui.
                Service: marking system planning and design.
                Date: 2014-11-01
                Shenzhen center, tian yuan at the shenzhen central district, north near shennan avenue, south to fortune China three road, shenzhen political, financial, corporate headquarters, business spending, arts and humanities, transport hub, such as information and social, medical center, for the millions of complex residential part of shenzhen center.
                Shenzhen center, tianyuan senior south Hong Kong cordillera and bay, north to admire the "soul" shenzhen park and rapid hundreds of kilometers of the lianhua park pond lang mountain, east to atop the city beauty, west overlooking the citizen center nearby the square.