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                DEEP IN THE WOOD
                客 户 鸿信地产
                服 务 别墅标识系统规划设计≡
                日 期 2013-03-05
                Guest: hongxin property.
                Service: planning and design of villa identification system.
                Date: 2013-03-05
                HongXin clouds located in jiangning dongshan street, close to football training base in jiangsu, in qinglongshan and vitreous lake, close to hangzhou high-speed phase ii, deep in the cloud and downtown between quick access to build the traffic is convenient. In the deep of hongxin cloud, hongxin property is another villa project after the river water. The plan covers an area of 250 mu, building 99 villas with a plot ratio of 0.2. In the depths of hongxin cloud, the terrain is naturally undulating, with four peninsulas extending into the water, and the peninsula and the peninsula forming a harbor.