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                TIAN LUN MANOR
                客 户 天伦集团
                服 务 售楼处艺∏术包装
                日 期 2015-01-15
                Guest: tianlun group.
                Service: sales office art packaging.
                Date: 2015-01-15
                天伦庄园,位居ω 惠济区政府500亩古树苑对面,与古树为伍,与黄河湿地上空的纯※净气流为伍,与近在咫尺的CBD、老城区戚戚」相伴。天伦∑ 庄园二期,纯低密々度设计,规划市ξ 场上稀缺产品△,联排及叠加。联排产品〖以←3联4联为主,且采用新型锯︼齿结构,郑州市场第【一案例,错落式布局,有利户型全面采光,增大楼间距。同样延续一期英式建筑※风格,大气、庄重,打造西方建筑形态,成为该区域新型建筑标杆社区。
                Tianlun manor, located opposite the 500 mu of ancient trees in huiji district government, is associated with the ancient trees and the pure airflow over the Yellow River wetland, which is closely associated with the nearby CBD and the old city. The second phase of tianlun manor, pure low density design, the planning market of scarce products, the combination of row and superposition. In the first case of zhengzhou market, the first case of the zhengzhou market is staggered, with the advantages of full lighting and building spacing. It also extends the style of British architecture, atmosphere and gravity, and creates the western architectural form and becomes the new building benchmark community in the region.