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                QI QIAO LAND
                客 户 七巧国教育科技有〗限公司
                服 务 商业门店形象设计
                日 期 2015-12-12
                Guest: qiqiao national education technology co. LTD.
                Service: image design of commercial stores.
                Date: 2015-12-12
                Shenzhen qiaoguo education technology co., LTD was established in 2010. The company mainly focuses on children's theme education real estate project, coordinated with children's animation culture/maternal and child online and offline products/children education and other diversified children's industrial economic projects. In order to speed up the pace of enterprise development, enterprise development in the process of simultaneous brand partnership and development strategy, the enterprise has completed the national strategic plan as a whole layout, set up in shenzhen headquarters of southern north eastern area/district/area/western central area/district five regions.
                Seven artful countries with scientific market positioning, accurate location selection, for customers to tailor its core business circle consumption, become a modern urban family of collaborative consumption, entertainment, shopping, experience and social comprehensive, multi-functional, scene of large children experience theme mall.