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                客 户 深圳市地铁集团产
                服 务 标识系统规划设计
                日 期 2014-10-10
                Guest: shenzhen metro group.
                Service: marking system planning and design.
                Date: 2014-10-10
                qianhai era is located in the southeast corner of guiwan area, the core area of qianhai shenzhan cooperation service area. The project covers an area of 336 thousand square meters, with a total construction area of 1.1 million square meters and a total volume ratio of 2.4. It will be the flagship of the former sea central ecological complex integrating residential/office/commercial/hotel. The qianhai period east to pingnan railway shenzhen west station, the south adjacent to the planned coastal avenue, the west of the planning dream sea avenue, north to taoyuan road planning extension section, occupying the entire fifth unit.