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                CITY CROSSING
                客 户 华润置地(南宁)有限公司产
                服 务 情景房艺术◎包装
                日 期 2015-01-05
                Guest: China resources land (nanning) co. LTD.
                Service: scene room art packaging.
                Date: 2015-01-05
                Nanning, China resources center is located in the asean international CBD core area, a total construction area of 1.2 million square meters, with a total investment of more than 8 billion Hong Kong dollars, will be "vientiane city" as the core, set shopping centers, office buildings and five-star hotels, noble houses, and many other functions in one of the large-scale, integrated, modern and high quality landmark commercial buildings. The first phase of the construction of the city shopping center and an international standard 5A grade a office building - west block of China resources building.