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                NANHAI VANKE SQUARE
                客 户 佛山市万科置业▲
                服 务 商业广场标识系统规划设计
                日 期 2013-04-08
                Guest: Vanke property in foshan
                Service: Commercial plaza logo system planning and design
                Date: 2013-04-08
                South China vanke's overall positioning square shopping center as a "one-stop destination" family quality of life, to create "humanities vanke, quality life" characteristic of high-end quality in foshan first-class shopping center. The project is located at the exit B of south guangxi road, guangfo subway, and is also the guangfo gold online subway complex. The real subway is covered with property, accessible to guangzhou and zen city. The increasing number of people in the subway system and the communication between the information, culture and talents of guangzhou and guangzhou have made the project an unlimited business opportunity.