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              1. <blockquote id='NKTnRn'><q id='NKTnRn'><noscript id='NKTnRn'></noscript><dt id='NKTnRn'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='NKTnRn'><i id='NKTnRn'></i>
                客 户 招商地产
                服 务 酒店标识系统规划设计
                日 期 2013-03-05
                Guest: China merchants real estate.
                Service: hotel identification system planning and design.
                Date: 2013-03-05
                Beauty Aaron hill is invested by China merchants real estate (zhangzhou) company, shenzhen beauty hotel management co., LTD., boutique hotel, the hotel from the designer, the Spanish architecture, villa is composed of the main building and single-family villas, with high-quality goods, seascape room, seascape executive suites, single-family fold spell villa, pool villas and other different room, equipped with five with rich elegant exotic atmosphere, taste the lunch room, at the same time also has a buffet restaurant, no marginal swimming pool, outdoor lawn, Spanish style church club, eight kilometers gold coast invincible landscape... Located in the south bank of xiamen bay, the villa is located in the south of gulangyu, and is adjacent to the sea. It is a spiritual and spiritual retreat for business travel and recreation.