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                客 户 绿景企业管理集团
                服 务 艺术通道包装设↓计
                日 期 2015-05-08
                Guest: green view enterprise management group.
                Service: art channel package design.
                Date: 2015-05-08
                Hongshuiwan no. 1 (old reform project) is invested and developed by shenzhen lvjing enterprise management group co., LTD. The project is located on the southeast side of the intersection of shaobao road and jindi road, which belongs to the scope of the first class radiation of the core CBD of the city, and is a very scarce land in the area of xinzhou. The project has a panoramic view of the waterfront. South of the mangrove nature reserve, enjoy the first line without blocking the sea view resources, across the sea to the Hong Kong wetland park landscape; The view of golf course and futian CBD complex in north China; Xiwang shenzhen bay 15km coastal leisure zone. The surrounding area of the project is well developed, near futian, huanggang double port, beijing-hong kong and Macao expressway, and subway lines 3, 4 and 7. The west side of the project is the sand mouth road, the south side is furong road, the traffic is very convenient.