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              1. <blockquote id='xxNbUI'><q id='xxNbUI'><noscript id='xxNbUI'></noscript><dt id='xxNbUI'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='xxNbUI'><i id='xxNbUI'></i>
                LAKE PEARL
                客 户 中建地产
                服 务 商业街↓艺术包装
                日 期 2015-08-12
                Zhongjian light lake show is located at the core of the lake-lake plate, the intersection of south China sea avenue and hailiu road (where the laser pen refers to the sand table, where the customer is clearly positioned). East of the project is nanhai experimental primary school; To the south is sea six; To the west is the south China sea avenue; To the north is haiqi road. Thousand lamp plate lake, as the core area of the city development, spindle, development orientation for the guangdong finance information and background services base and financial business district, is also in foshan docking with the international portal area, is the foshan city international image area ".