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              1. <blockquote id='4eOFPz'><q id='4eOFPz'><noscript id='4eOFPz'></noscript><dt id='4eOFPz'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='4eOFPz'><i id='4eOFPz'></i>
                城市标识系统是一项巨大的规划设计系统工程,每个城市的经营者绝不能忽视这@ 个系统工程的作用,一个与城市◇、与环境和谐共存、持续发展的标识系统能协助人们顺利开展工作,能让市民及访问者节约时间,提高工作效率,整个城市都在有序地进行良性循环,你开心,我开心,市民都开心,那么城市的效率能不提高吗?所以,可以毫不夸张地说,一个城市标识系统的优劣,是衡量一个城市文明程度的标志之一,也是衡量这一城市规划水平优劣的标志之一。在城市标识系统中,标识的规划、设计、制作及安装是一个完整的工程步骤,它们之间是『环环相扣、互为影响、密不可分的统一体。兵法有云:“先谋而后动”。城市标识系统▓的规划就是一个“谋”的过程,它是一个优秀城市标识系统产生的前提。在城市标识系统规划与设计、制作、安装之中,标识系统的规划则是进行标识系统设计制作及≡安装的指导思想,是城市标识系统工程的第一步,在城市标识系统工程中起着不可或缺的重要作用。
                city is the great carrier of modern human civilization and the focal point of human scientific and technological achievements. The streets of countless, countless businesses, numerous agencies, companies, schools, there are many places of entertainment, leisure area, this way of life and the modern breath the forefront of a yearning for urban civilization, but in some cases, also hard to avoid can produce embarrassed: an unfamiliar environment will waste you a lot of time, everything is so strange, unfamiliar environment will make you lose your way, or dare not go deep into the farther place. In a rapidly changing urban environment, even those who have lived in the city for a long time will inevitably get lost in the complicated environment. Speed up the pace of urban construction in China, the set of discerning direction, recognition of public facilities, looking for roads, warning service, city culture, aesthetic feeling in the integration of urban sign system in people's life and work also play an increasingly important role.
                The planning and design of urban sign system is a huge system engineering, every city operators must not ignore the effect of the system engineering, a city with, in harmony with the environment and sustainable development of the marking system can help people to work smoothly, can let the residents and visitors to save time, improve work efficiency, the whole city was ordered to virtuous circle, you are happy, I happy, citizens are happy, so the efficiency of the city can not improve? So, it is no exaggeration to say, the pros and cons of a city identity system, is one of the symbols of measuring the civilization degree of a city, is also a symbol of success for the urban planning level. In the urban identification system, the planning, design, production and installation of the logo is a complete engineering step, and they are integrated with each other. The art of war has a cloud: "seek first and then move". The planning of city identification system is a process of "seeking", which is the premise of a good city identification system. In urban sign system planning and design, production, installation, the marking system is planned for marking system design and installation of the guiding ideology, is the first step on the urban sign system engineering, the city identity system engineering plays an indispensable role.
                Marking system for city planners, the maneuverability of the design and implementation of normative, which is a key link in the process of decision marking system design can implement, in the process of urban identification system planning, overall consideration, analysis of the environment, understanding of local culture, local people, architectural style, the condition of city people, travel how many factors such as personnel, make a comprehensive analysis, to determine the general layout of city identity system, and then to division, etc are all key link.
                As for the importance of urban identification system planning, many urban planners have such cognitive misconceptions: the planning and design of the identification system is the follow-up part of urban environmental construction. In their consciousness, the planning and design of urban environment and urban sign system planning and design, the relationship between as to cover the house before decorating, decoration decorate good or bad depends only upon their own level and quality of high and low, but not too big relations with building a house. In fact, it is the misunderstanding of this understanding that has brought many practical difficulties and obstacles to the planning of urban identification system. Aim at this situation, in the process of urban identification system planning, want to notice to multi-angle and serious investigation to the urban environment, practical to get actively involved in to the overall planning of the urban environment, the integration of regional aesthetic culture and the connotation of urban environment, forward-looking, systematic environment from the research area, the characteristics of the humanities, planning and matching identification system, marking system in the city layout to special emphasis on: reasonable, smooth and comprehensive.