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                YI YUAN
                客 户 碧源置业
                服 务 住宅环境标识系统设计
                日 期 2016-11-01
                Guest: biyuan property.
                Service: design of residential environment identification system.
                Date: 2016-11-01
                Brigitte source moon lake project is located in HuiJi area characteristic in downtown area, west road, west of holiday in hunan road, north of DongFengQu riverside road east of the core position, an area of more than 300 acres of moon lake center in the east park, west near DongFengQu. Surrounding a beautiful natural landscape, forest education colleges, one-stop comprehensive covers kindergarten, primary school, junior high school education, a comprehensive education system, green source of sun project surrounding commercial supporting YouHui wanda plaza.