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                POLY SIVER BEACH
                客 户 保利地产
                服 务 标识规划设计
                日 期 2012-04-28
                Guest: poly real estate.
                Service: logo planning and design.
                Date: 2012-04-28
                项目位√于中国十大美海岛并有“东方㊣ 夏威夷★,南方北戴河”之称的海陵岛上,坐落在◥被上海吉尼斯大传评为“亚洲滩”海陵岛十里银滩上。项目交通也十分∩便利,从广州、佛山、深圳等地开车过来多3路程,等西部沿海高速铁路通车后,阳江到广州只需要1个,随着高铁的来临,阳江将会成为珠三角“2”经济圈中心。
                Project is located in China's top ten beautiful island and have a "Oriental Hawaii, south beidaihe," said the 'island, located in the Shanghai guinness preach rated as "Asian beach"' island miles on silver beach. Project the traffic is very convenient also, drive from guangzhou, foshan, shenzhen and other places come here more than 3, after the west coast high-speed rail link, yangjiang to guangzhou need only one, with the advent of high-speed yangjiang will become the center of the pearl river delta economic circle "2".
                The project covers an area of 2750 mu, and it is planned by the famous international architectural design company, Singapore DP, which is the essence of many famous companies in the world. The project backs the mountains and the sea, walking a few hundred meters to the beach to feel the breeze fine sand.